How to Choose a Criminal Lawyer in Canton
Being charged with a crime in Canton is a serious issue that necessitates skilled legal representation. Selecting the right Canton criminal defense lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your...
What to Do If You Are Accused of a Sexual Crime in Canton
It sounds like a nightmare: suddenly, you find yourself falsely accused of crimes of a sexual nature. Your mind races. You feel deeply embarrassed and distressed. You may inexplicably feel...
Finding the Right Domestic Violence Lawyer Near Me
When facing domestic violence charges, it is crucial to have the right legal representation on your side. A domestic violence attorney can help protect your rights, navigate complex legal procedures,...
Why Hire a Lawyer When You Get a DUI?
Being charged with a DUI in Cherokee County can be overwhelming, causing distress, fear, anxiety and shame. People often aren't quite sure what to do, and many don't realize just...
Understanding Georgia’s DUI Laws
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious criminal offense that can lead to severe penalties and consequences in Georgia. And if you’re located in Cherokee County, you most certainly...
When a Family Member is Arrested for Domestic Violence: What to Do
It can come as a shock: a close friend or family member has been accused of domestic violence. As a loved one, there are things you can do right away...
What Are the Different Types of Drug Crimes in Georgia?
There are many different types of drug charges that you could find yourself facing in the state of Georgia if you are arrested. While some drug crimes are misdemeanors, other...
When Can Police Legally Search my Vehicle?
In general, police cannot search your car without a warrant or your permission. However, it is important to understand the exceptions to that rule to make sure your rights are not being violated....
Police Need a Warrant to Track You by Your Cell Phone
Until last week, it was a practice by law enforcement officers in Georgia to locate fleeing suspects or establish someone's location by contacting cell phone providers, who would willingly...