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What Older Veterans Need to Know About VA Aid and Attendance Benefits There are almost 20 million veterans in the United States, according the US Census Bureau, and more than half of them are over ag...
Answers to Your Questions With schools shutting down, businesses closing or requiring employees to work remotely, and events being canceled, it is reasonable to ask, do I have to send my child to vis...
The holidays can be a challenging time for everyone. For divorced couples, they can be especially contentious. But they don’t have to be. The typical image of divorce involves hostile ex-spouses, f...
According to the law in Georgia, married people are considered financially responsible for each other. And this doesn’t necessarily stop when you divorce. Alimony is money paid by one spouse to the...
Every parent wants what is best for their children. Sometimes, however, parents disagree on what that is. At Speights Law, our lawyers strive to help parents in Canton and the surrounding areas of Geo...
Drug charges carry some of the harshest sentencing of any nonviolent crime in America, often unjustly resulting in years of incarceration. It is no exaggeration to say that you must always fight drug ...
As a divorce attorney, we encounter the following scenario all too often: You received an inheritance and purchased your dream home in Cherokee County. Later, you met your dream spouse and got married...
If you have a custody case, whether it is a divorce, legitimation, or modification of custody, a parenting plan is required. Below are some common questions clients often ask regarding parenting plans...
No one gets married with the idea that they will eventually divorce, but you could find yourself staring this situation in the face at some point. With so many challenges associated with the di...